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21-23.06.2019 / Akademia Sztuk Pięknych im. Eugeniusza Gepperta we Wrocławiu
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Ed van Dijk and Kati Kerstna glass

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Imagine you want to blow glass and have nothing to start with” – building a woodem fired furmance. Melting and glassblowing outdoor.

Ed van Dijk i Kati Kerstna are artists who wish to share their passion with others. This year during the festival they are building a woodem fired furmance for melting and glassblowing outdoors. Ed van Dijk is an artist from Holland whose works of art reflect his fascination for nature. He has a particular interest in structures resembling a skeleton. He combines glass with other materials such as wood or metal. Kati Kerstna is a an artist whose roots originate in Estonia.

To have a closer look at the artists' work come and watch them building a wooden fired furmance. Melting and glassblowing outdoors on Friday between 14.00 – 21.30, Saturday between 12.00 – 21.30 and on Sunday between 11.00 – 18.00.