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21-23.06.2019 / Akademia Sztuk Pięknych im. Eugeniusza Gepperta we Wrocławiu
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Flying kiln of Michał Podleśny

Michał Podleśny (born 1990) is a student of the 4th year of Faculty of Ceramics Design at Academy of Art and Design in Wrocław.


He has taken part in many workshops in Poland – in Kurnik, Luboradów, Pleszew. He has cooperated with Mateusz Grobelny during the construction of sculpture-kilns – "Chariot of fire", "Basilica of fire", "Four sides of fire" and "Fire wall". His original project of a kiln was presented during 6th Festival of High Temperatures in Wrocław. In his work he focuses on figurative art, emphasising internal contradictions in a grotesque way. He does not feel tied to any particular field of art. He often enriches his ceramic activity with the use of other materials and media like metal, stone, wood, plastic, fire and sound.