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21-23.06.2019 / Akademia Sztuk Pięknych im. Eugeniusza Gepperta we Wrocławiu
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Artists of the Conference “Around the Fire” – Dagmara Łaciak

PhD in the field of humanities, majored in archeology. The winner of FUGA 3 competition financed by National Science Centre, she is now implementing a project related to ceramics in the Institute of Prehistory at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań.

She cooperates with Laboratory of Cultural Heritage Studies and Institute of Geology at Wrocław University, as well as Polish Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Art and Design in Wrocław. This cooperation results in interdisciplinary projects and publications. She focuses on verifying her hypotheses on the basis of experiments aiming at the reconstruction of old pottery techniques.

During the Conference she presented: "Archeologist on Fire – experiences with ceramics"
Ceramics – born from fire is an inseparable part of archeology because it is the kind of material remains which is most often encountered and which can prove the presence of man. It is the source of knowledge about man – allows us to place past events in the timeline, very often it is also a work of art. I have become particularly interested in multicoloured and silver ware coming from the south-west of Poland, which was used between 700 and 450 BC. Achieving such results in ceramics required a lot of knowledge in the field of handling fire. During the festival it will be possible to see the copies of the ware coming from archeological excavations and see how they are fired. 

Dagmara Łaciak_wózek