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21-23.06.2019 / Akademia Sztuk Pięknych im. Eugeniusza Gepperta we Wrocławiu
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Artists of Festival of High Temperatures 2015 – Petr Novotny

Petr Novotny (born 1952) is a worldwide known designer and glassblower. He has taken part in many glass symposiums around the world – Japan, Switzerland, USA.


He is especially tied to the town of Nowy Bor in the Czech Republic. He attended school there, worked as a teacher and at present he runs his own art school "Ajeto". Petr Novotny has cooperated with the leading designers and glassmakers like René Moskovitz, Dale Chihuly, Marwin Lipofski, Edward Leibowitz, Willem Heesen. He is considered one of the three best world masters in the field of glassmaking.

Website: ajetoglass.com
Ajeto Art Glass Museum