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21-23.06.2019 / Akademia Sztuk Pięknych im. Eugeniusza Gepperta we Wrocławiu
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Micro raku

During Festival of High Temperatures 2015 Michal Kušík with Rudolf Malacky (both of them organizers of ceramics symposium Fenomen Gemmer) will present a performance Micro Raku.


They will run workshops based on the raku technique but they will do it in an unusual way. The participants of these workshops will create their works in a micro scale in order to fire them in a micro raku kiln while drinking tea. Firing a valuable ceramic product in a food tin, reduction in a tea cup will take us to a completely new dimension in ceramics both physically and spiritually.

Michał Kušík (born 1976) is a Slovak artist, graduate of the Academy of Art and Design in Bratislava. He has taken part in many exhibitions and symposia in Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Belgium, Austria, Croatia, China or Israel.

website: www.kusik.sk

Rudolf Malecky (born 1052) graduated from the Prague Academy of Art (Vysoká škola uměleckoprůmyslová v Praze). He works in art ceramics, design and ceramics in architecture. He is a co-organizer of Lučenec-Kalinovo symposia.